This is the reason why Dalljiet Kaur married Nikhil Patel even though he was still married to his first wife.

For several months, television actress Dalljiet Kaur and her estranged husband, Nikhil Patel, have been embroiled in a legal struggle. Telly Talk India has released new information that clarifies the start of the drama and the reason behind Kaur’s legal decision to marry Patel even though he was not yet divorced from his first wife.

The legal battle reportedly began in Kenya when Nikhil Patel allegedly warned Dalljiet, “Take your belongings, or I will donate them to charity,” according to a source who talked with Telly Talk India. Following this remark, Kaur filed a case in Kenya to safeguard her belongings, which started legal proceedings. The person providing the explanation said, “Nikhil’s solicitors contended, ‘We’re getting rid of everything because your marriage wasn’t legal.'” Dalljiet implored the court to refrain from disposing of her possessions so thoughtlessly, citing her status as his wife.

The Kenyan court responded by issuing a stay order, stopping Patel from getting rid of Kaur’s possessions. Dalljiet tried to enter their house to get her belongings, but she was turned away.

According to reports, she was told by a watchman that she was the subject of a criminal investigation and that she could not enter the residence. The insider went on to say, “The society manager informed her that Nikhil had already taken her items out of the house. For her, it was an extremely humiliating event.

Nikhil and a friend supposedly took pictures of Dalljiet as she tried to enter the society while watching the entire incident from a distance. The actress from Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon then went to a Kenyan police station and showed them pictures of her marriage. It was found by the police that Patel had transferred her possessions into storage against her will. Upon retrieving her belongings later, Kaur’s friends and family discovered that her more important possessions were missing and that just her clothes had been put in storage.

The source also explained Dalljiet’s decision to wed Patel in spite of his pending divorce. Despite Patel’s protracted divorce, which prevented their marriage from being officially registered, Kaur was informed that the divorce was almost final. Although the statement has been changed, his divorce was finalised and accepted. According to the source, the ruling that would have allowed them to register their marriage was the only thing still pending. Patel’s attorney allegedly gave Dalljiet a written letter stating that after the decree was finalised, the marriage will be formally registered and the adoption procedure would be respected. The divorce papers had already been signed by Nikhil and his former spouse.

According to reports, Nikhil Patel’s parents attended the wedding as well. They reportedly spent several days at Dalljiet’s home and gave her parents assurances of their support.

Through a social media post earlier this month (August), Dalljiet provided an update on the ongoing court hearing in Kenya, outlining the legal proceedings. She ultimately chose to remove the post, though.

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